What tools do the professional use?
What is the major components of your assets?
structuring your file system for the web development.
File Path
the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
hosting and domain name
What is client and server in a web environment?
how does the web works (refer to the section entitled “So what happens, exactly?”)
a brief history of the web
Overview of modern web technologies, Browsers, HTTP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Tooling, and Service-side.
the basic concept relevant to web best practices.
How does the Internet works?
What is a URL?
What is a domain name?
What is a web server?
WebGIS related technologies (server-side, client-side, and data exchange format)
Web GIS Servers
GIS Database
Web GIS Clients
Thin v.s. Thick Client Architecture
The elements of a Web GIS application.
User Experience Design principles.